Friday, January 9, 2009

the one with the catching up

So, it has been six days that I haven't written on this blog. I'm beginning to sound and look like papers coz all I have done for the week were paperworks. I could have chosen not to be in the Benchmarking Team, but I chose to be in it. I didn't know why I did but for sure the reasons will just come flowing after I get my paycheck for this month.

Yesterday, was the regular meeting of the 4th session of the team. We met, argued, and debated on entries. But at the end, the laughs were the most memorable ones.

Arguing on a single comma, when to use and/or, and how many spaces do we need to skip if a period is committed. Sounds like real petty, but these are the things that pay the bills. And these are the things that make us smile and laugh at the end.

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